These exercises reinforce the note patterns. Do any of the above exercises but with every note staccato.Play the passage emphasising every weak beat.Play the passage emphasising every strong beat.Play two of every note, but in a dotted rhythm or Lombardic rhythm within each pair.instead of playing one crotchet (quarter note), play two quavers (eighth notes) of the same note Play quaver or semiquaver (eighth note or sixteenth note) passages as if they were Lombardic rhythms (short-long, short-long, the opposite of dotted rhythms).Play quaver or semi-quaver (eighth note or sixteenth note) passages as if they were dotted rhythms, or swung rhythms.You can take a passage of music and practice it with one or more of these changes: I like to use different rhythmic techniques to secure the different finger combinations and make practice more interesting. The rest of the tips below will help you make your practice more interesting as well as helping you to play faster.
If you can’t, also great – practice at this speed until you can.Ĭhopin is said to have insisted on this as his primary method of teaching his students how to increase the speed of their scales, but it does require a bit of patience. If you can, great – you can increase the speed by another few beats per minute. When you can comfortably play the entire piece at your extra slow speed, you can increase the speed of the metronome by a few beats per minute at a time, and see if you can play the piece at the new faster speed.
You can get a free metronome app on your phone – the one I use is MetroTimer, but there are plenty to choose from. Using a metronome will ensure that you pick a speed that is slow enough that you can play the entire piece at that speed. The easiest way to get a whole piece faster is to start at the lowest common denominator speed – that is, a slow speed that you can comfortably play the whole piece at. Often when we begin to learn a piece, there are some passages that we can play faster than others. Cheat tip: play on a grand piano if possible.So how do pianists learn to play faster? Here are some techniques you can use to increase your playing speed. Here are some of the most helpful techniques that I use with my piano students to help them improve the speed of their pieces.